June 7, 2011

Spoiled Rotten

How do you know if you are spoiling an adultbaby rotten? Well this is a subject that is still under much debate, many argue that picking a adultbaby up all the time spoils them others argue that it is not spoiling them to meet their needs by attending to them when they do cry and that their cry is a means of communication so not to be misconstrued with a form of spoiled attention getting method. So what are you ideas on the subject? Do you feel you are spoiled when an ABDLMommy picks you up when you cry? I personally think that spoiled comes into play around the adulttoddler years when a child is always given their way and never receives consequences for their actions. But I would love to hear your ideas, so be sure to share them with me over on phoneamommy forums. Mommy Sara 1 888 430 2010 Mommy Sara Specialties are : Messy diaper changes, Adult baby nurturing and coddling, adult baby spankings and discipline.
June 3, 2011

Journey to Dream Land

It’s bed time, time to drift off into dream land, but first Mommy has to get you ready. Hold onto Mommies shoulder, and put your little feet in these warm soft jammies, that’s it, hold on tight so you don’t fall, but no worries, if you do Mommy will always be there to catch you. Ok my sweet aby, time to cuddle on Mommies lap, and let me read you a bed time story, while you latch onto my soft full breast, and fill that little tummy up with Mommy’s sweet warm milk. Do you need a loving Mommy, to dress you, cuddle with you, and read you a bed time story until you drift off into your own little dream world? Then Mommy Maggie is the one to call.     Talk to you soon my little Adult abies   Mommy Maggie 1-888-430-2010
May 30, 2011

Grannies Sissy Baby

She calls crying i ask what is wrong but she is crying so hard i can barely understand what she is trying to tell me so i ask her to come on over since she just lives down the street from me. So i get the tea pot ready for some nice hot tea i know she will be needing.Just as the teapot makes that cute little sound knocks i just yell out come on in hon. She walks on in the kitchen as i turn around i almost fell to my knees laughing there she stood with one of the most aweful looking outfits on. I walked over and tell her it will be fine i will help her choose another outfit for her night out.So this is what we choose for her.Poor little sissy needs all the help she can get laughing. silvie Just remember little one’s i am here for all your sensual and sexual and fantasy needs just call me anytime.
May 26, 2011

Be Careful What You Wish For

Sometimes I watch over boys that think they can sneak things by me – silly boys.  Case in point: I was watching over one particular boy who would go next door to play.  The boy there had a baby sister that was still in diapers, and when ever my charge would come back, he would scurry quickly by me and head directly to his room.  He thought he was being so sneaky, that I wouldn’t notice what he was smuggling in under his jacket, but I knew! (the undeniable smell was a dead give away, hehe).   Seems he enjoyed playing with the little girls used and messy diapers, so when I confronted him, I was quite sweet about the whole thing – right up to the point where I put him in one of those messy diapers…telling him that he was going to be in it for a full 24 hours AND use it as well!  You should have seen his face!  And when he tried to protest, I simply told him that maybe next time you will learn that you can’t slip anything by this Nanny, and you should be careful what you wish for – you just might get it!   Your Naughty Nanny Ella
May 19, 2011

My Kinda Crib

Ok, so here’s another gem of an antique.  No big crib that locks for my little ones – ohh noooooo!! Hehe.  Just enough room to lie down and keep still.  I dare say, they did know how to punish little ones back in the day.  No squirming allowed here; heck, no squirming here is possible.  Can you imagine, laying in here, unable to move, just wetting over and over again, not being able to avoid the rash and bed sores from forming, at the mercy of your keeper.  Ya know, I think I’ll have to have one made up special!   Maggie 1-888-430-2010   A few of Mommy’s specialties: Sissification • diaper punishment/play • paddling • infantilism • birds and the bees • age play
May 16, 2011

Let Sleeping Cats Lie

A poet’s cat, sedate and grave, as poet would wish to have, was much addicted to enquire, for nooks to which she might retire, and where, secure as mouse in chink, she might repose, or sit and think. I know not where she caught her trick, nature perhaps herself had cast her, in such a mold philosophique, or else she learn’d it of her master. Sometimes ascending, debonair, an apple tree or lofty pear, lodg’d with convenience in the fork, she watched the gard’ner at his work; sometimes her ease and solace sought, in an old empty wat’ring pot, there wanting nothing, save a fan, to seem some nymph in her sedan, apparell’d in exactest sort, and ready to be borne in court. William Cowper (1731 – 1800) Lorraine Now as you know mommy lorraine is always here for all your sexual and fantasy needs so give her a call
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