June 29, 2011

sissy baby

  Who is that pretty little sissy baby? I see you sitting there in your diapers and plastic panties in your cute fluffy dress. You just need to cuddle up on Mommy’s lap and get some kisses and a baba don’t you? You are precious to Mommy sissy baby. No need for tears , Mommy is right here with you darling. Oh, see now Mommy can feel inside your diaper and see how much you love to be her sissy baby. Don’t touch it! Don’t touch yourself little lady. Mommy didn’t tell you it was OK to do that. Let Mommy touch it sweet sissy baby. Let Mommy make it feel amazing for you.   Mommy Shirley  
June 27, 2011

Mr. Mousy’s Encounter

Twas a warm spring night and all through the house. Not a creature was stirring with the exception of “Mr. Mouse!” Biggio the cat was all snuggled up in his bed. Dreams of a fat juicy mouse most likely running through his head. Up pops Mr. Mousy through a tiny hole in the floor. He scampers right past that cat making it to the cabinet door… Hops into a drawer and begins to rummage around. The slumbering cat doesn’t even hear a sound. Now, Mr. Mousy is having a blast playing about. That is until the drawer is quickly pulled out! There’s a scream and suddenly Mr. Mousy hits the floor… Too close for comfort… by the cat’s bed on the floor. All too quickly the cat is set into motion, as he stirs from slumber having heard all the commotion! What??? …is someone tap dancing on MY kitchen floor? Gaining his composure he pounces upon Mr. Mousy over by the cabinet door. Now, Mr. Mousy rolls over and begins to play dead… The cat soon tires and considers going back to his bed. Mr. Mousy seizing the moment, recovers in a flash. Taking off in a most frenzied dash! The cat is left standing in utter confusion. Could this be a bad dream or possibly an optical illusion? “NO, this has to be real,” his nose once again catches Mr. Mousy’s scent… “How dare that disorderly mouse leave without MY consent!” The cat is not finished with this unwelcome guest… He has just entered into a “mouse hunting quest!” He can be found most often over by that cabinet door. Or lying with his nose real close to that tiny hole in the floor. So Mr. Mousy you better “beware”… Mr. Biggio’s watching for ya to come sneaking around there!!! Martha Franks April 12, 2000
June 24, 2011

Bed Wetter

  This past weekend I was watching one of my little ones while his mommy went out of town.  He insisted that he was a big boy, that he was no longer a bed wetter and didn’t need his Goodnites anymore. I had my doubts, but I after a lot of whining and pleading, I told him that I would give him a chance to prove he was a big boy now – but if he wet the bed, then I would deal with him how ever I saw fit.   The very first morning I went and checked on him, and what did I find?  A very wet bed of course!  I marched him right into the bathroom, got him cleaned up, and proceeded to put him back in a very thick diaper.  I then told him that not only was he going to be forced to wear diapers for the rest of the weekend, but he was going to be treated like a little baby as well, complete with pacifiers, footsie PJ’s and baby food.   When will these little boys learn?   Nanny Ella
June 16, 2011

mommy and baby exercise

  I want to start off telling you that Mommy Liz loves each and every one of you little guys and gals. You’re so sweet and tender and I can’t express how much I enjoy talking with you and sharing our ideas together. We all have different hobbies and passions. One of mine is exercising. Not only do I like feeling better for having done it, it gets me into a good place mentally. Not all exercise has to be traditional though. Did you know that you can burn off about 120-350 calories just kissing? Who doesn’t love to kiss? So if you can burn off that little bit with making out and kissing just think what else you could do with Mommy to get our mommy aby exercise in? I’m not sure about diaper changes, but if any of you abys know how much that burns be sure to tell Mommy. Mommy Lizabeth your Southern ABDL Mommy
June 13, 2011

The Dusky Duck

September nights have scarcely felt The first cool breath of autumn time, Ere high the black duck pinions fan Our shore-line, in their flight sublime. At first these swift fowl skim the cloud, And high in lessening circles sweep; Then slow to lonely bays descend, Glad to repose their wings in sleep. And so for passing weeks they haunt The inland marsh and muddy creek, Where in the shallows or the grass, Their pastime or their food they seek. Most shy, at midday they disport In ocean surf or ample bay; But when the evening shades pervade And fades the twilight of the day, Then with a soaring flight they rise And seek some lonely marsh remote, Some salt-pool in the meadow scoop’d; And here their quacking numbers float, And here the watchful fowler lies In ambush for the dusky prize. Isaac McLellan (1806-1899) Lorraine Mommy Lorraine is always here for all of her babies needs no matter what they might be sexual,sensual or baby related she is here 1-888-430-2010
May 22, 2011

Little Sissy

Ah such a sweet little sissy you are huh,you love being dressed up and diapered and prancing around the house and also up and down the neighborhood showing off those cute little dresses and rumbas you wear.But not always because you want to hehe Its because at times you are a bad sissy and have to be punished and put into your place.That’s because you seem to like explore and go out all on your own which is not a good thing at times now it is.You know Lily knows what is best for you.And that is for you to stay in her nursery as the sissy baby you are and always will be its either that or get punished and you my dear little sweet sissy does not like that type of punishment hmm. Lily As you know Lily is your sensual  Mommy and your loving granny she is here for all your needs no matter what they are.
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