One of the most rewarding and relaxing things about being an Adult Baby Mommy is snuggle time with my ABies. Do you like to snuggle with mommy? It feels so good to come home from a long day and get out our favorite blanket and crawl up on the bed, couch or even get into my favorite rocking chair and wrap my AB boy up and just hold him close. Forget about the stress of the day and let the whole world melt away in mommy’s arms. It is definitely one of my favorite things in the whole world to do. Even when one of my little ones is being naughty, after his punishment is done and I am certain he has learned his lesson, there is nothing better then wrapping my arms around him and giving him a big hug. Letting him know that even though he was being contrary, Mommy still loves him.

If you like to snuggle with Mommy, give me a call. I give the best snuggles. Maybe you can tell me your favorite place to snuggle and what you like to bring with you. Maybe your bear, a good book, what does your favorite blankie look like? Mommy wants to hear all about it. Come crawl into Mommy’s lap and let’s enjoy our time away from everything else. Just you and me…

Mommy Josie


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