You try and not to think about it…what it would feel like; but it seeps into your thoughts at the oddest of moments: standing in line at the grocery store; in the meeting at work; listening to you mom on the phone as she updates you as to the latest family news and gossip. Try as you might, you still can’t stop thinking about how good it would feel to get all dressed up like a little girl – and not just any little girl, but as an Abie girl. Even though this hunger plagues both your conscious and subconscious thoughts, you haven’t quite found the courage to do act upon then on your own…yet. This is why you come to me. You look to me to give you that needed nudge into Abie girl-hood.
Don’t worry my wayward little one; I will make you into the sweet pretty little ABie girl that we have both wanted. As I guide you down the road to becoming a fully fledged Aby girl, you will find yourself strangely submitting to my wishes, my commands, one calculated step at a time. And in a fleeting moment you look back at the path you have be lead down, and you and realize you have lost all self control, all forms of your former identity, because I have snatched it all away from you, replacing your will with mine.
Come play dress up with Mommy Lexus