November 11, 2013

Under a phone mommy’s cover’s

    Under a phone mommy’s cover’s a sexy mommy stretch’s and dream’s. All about a sweet ab honey that make’s her cream her silky pantie’s and give’s great back rub’s too. She look’s a little like marilyn monroe when she is at home in her robe just relaxing and watching some diaper porn. What more could you need then a mommy indeed to care for you and love? Maybe just maybe your wish will come true and you will get invited to be under mommy’s cover’s stretching with her too!   Crissy 1*888*430*2010
November 10, 2013

Jenna Rules!

  Listen up adult babies; today Sitter Jenna’s in charge. Your mommy and daddy went off somewhere for the whooooole night. That means from now to when you go to bed, to the time you get up in the morning I’m the boss and everything I say goes!! I always have mommies and daddies asking me to be a sitter for their adult babies. That’s because they know that when I’m the sitter, you dumb ABies aren’t gonna get away with anything! What your mommies and daddies don’t know is that sometimes I’m not the most well behaved sitter. Sometimes I might wanna have some of my girlfriends over to see what little loser adult babies I’m sitting for. Other times I might have some of my “special” friends over to play special games. Those kinda games are not for ABies! And don’t even waste your time thinking I’ll let you play them with me. If you’re really really good and you keep your little mouth shut, then just maybe I’ll let you watch when we play! At least then you’ll have something to think about when you’ve got your hand down your diaper hahaha! Oh you thought I didn’t notice the icky ways you play with yourself?!! Silly adult babies, Sitter Jenna knows everything!! Jenna 888-430-2010    
November 10, 2013

Potty Training

Potty training isn’t any fun for anyone i hate having to try and potty train.Well these new potty chairs just wasn’t working so i looked around and found one that most certainly will do the job of potty training you can sit on this one till you do what needs to be done see even has a strap to secure you and keep you in place till you do.As i have told you before mommy does know best.Hmm Potty Training anyone lol Victoria 1.888.430.2010
November 8, 2013

Two-fer Diapering: Diapered in both Cloth and Disposable

In my travels as an ABDL Mommy, I have coined the phrase ‘Two-fering’ or ‘two-fer diapered/diapering’, or simply ‘two-fered’ as in “you’re going to be two-fered.”  It’s when I place both a cloth diaper and disposable diaper on a little one’s tushie (cloth first, then the disposable over it). It could be for practical purposes – the cloth diaper used as a sort of soaker or booster of added absorbency.  It could be for the added effect – wanting you to feel the thickness between your legs, making your waddle very predominant and to bring to the fore ground that you are indeed an adult baby.  Or it could be a tool for punishment – forcing you to wear such a thickness in public so there are no doubts as to your wearing a diaper, forcing you to soak both beyond capacity, leaving you leaking and sagging and over all very “uncomfortable” and rethinking your little transgression that has place you in this predicament in the first place. Now before you think, oh that’s not too bad, ponder this little tidbit:  the number of actual cloth diapers and disposable diapers can fluctuate; from a simple 1:1 ratio to a much higher one – say 10:1 or even 3:2 ratio. As you can now tell, two-fering doesn’t refer to number of diapers you have on; it refers to the two types of diapers you have on! So, are you ready to be “two-fered”? Lexus 1.888.430.2010
November 4, 2013

Naughty Little Pants Wetter!

  When your mommy asked me to babysit you, I was a little confused… why would a grown man would need a sitter?! Well then she started to tell me things… like how you need looking after, or you end up getting yourself into trouble. She even told me that sometimes you still have “accidents”. Accidents?! How is he still having accidents?! She explained that you were never really potty trained, she tried when you were little, but you just refused to learn. As you grew up it never got better, and now even as an adult man you still hadn’t stopped wetting yourself. She showed me your bedroom with the big changing table; the shelf with the diapers, wipes, and diaper cream. She said that even though she’d given up on you ever actually learning to use the big boy potty, that I should still give you a little spanking when you wet yourself. So today when I came over I knew what to expect. You did ok for the first couple of hours, so I thought maybe you were finally learning. I took you to the park as a treat, pleased with your good behavior. I watched you kick your soccer ball around, having fun. And then… few minutes later I saw you stop and look down at the ground. You looked soooo sad and worried. Slowly you picked the ball up and walked over to me. Samantha…. You mumbled. And then you just looked down, immediately I saw the problem. Your shorts were soaked from the crotch all the way down your legs. Even though your mommy had warned me I was still angry and shocked. A grown man like you shouldn’t be wetting his pants anymore!! “Tony, I can’t believe you!” I said, shaking my head. I grabbed your hand and dragged you home. When we got home I took you right to your room and sat down on the bed and started roughly unbuttoning your pants. I looked up as I was yanking them down and saw how scared you were. My heart melted just a tiny bit when you started sniffling. “Oh, sweetie it’s ok,” I sighed, petting your hair. “We’ll just do a quick soft spanking and then I’ll put you in a nice fresh diaper, doesn’t that sound nice?” Gently, I pulled down your underwear and pulled you over my knee. “Now we’ll just do 5 spanks, ok sweetie.” I spanked your bare bottom, quick and sharp. By the end you were still sniffling, but I stood you up gently, “Now that wasn’t so bad was it?” You shook your head no and sniffled a little more. I held your hand as we walked over to the changing table and helped you hop up. I handed you your teddy bear and pulled out a couple wipes. I wiped between your legs and over your sensitive privates before lifting up your legs to wipe your bottom. I squeezed some lotion into my hands and […]
November 4, 2013


Aniliagnia is the fetish of being attracted to  older women . This guy Steve is so fascinated by grannie’s and nannie’s of a ripe old age of at least 50 and up. He likes the way they smell the way they slowly get hot as they wet them huge granny pantie’s. He say’s women that are a older just know what it take’s to keep a man satisfied that is what make’s him so hard when he walk’s by the lady’s  senior center. The way older women carry them selve’s with one look at him they send Steve to his knee’s in wave’s of pleasure.   Veronika 1*888*430*2010
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