I am going to step outside my Baby Girl self for a few minutes so I can explain a few things about Phone Sex. Lately, there have been some people coming into the chat room saying, “Why would I pay for phone sex? I can get it for free from my girl friend.” Or, “This is expensive!” I call BS on both of those things. Let’s break it down, shall we?
1) “Why would I pay for phone sex? I can get it for free from my girl friend.” What a load of poop this statement is. If you think you get anything for free from your girlfriend, you my dear one, are insane. Here is why. Yes, you might be able to call her anytime and bust your nut, BUT that call is costing you money. You have to pay for your cell, or land-line. How much is your cell bill a month? How much is your phone bill a month? And then there is the fact that you spend a ton of money on your girlfriend. How much a year do you think? You take her out to eat, clubs, movies, or you rent movies, you go on trips, you buy her incidentals, you may even buy her a ring at some point. Now you add that all up? How much is that? Uh huh.
Now that the whole “I can get it for free” part is explained lets move onto the emotional cost involved. You have to listen to her, and her friends, about clothes, about nails, about work and how it’s unfair how she is treated. You have to spend time with her because some girls get pissed off if you go out with your friends too much. Aren’t girlfriends Great?!
And here we are, Phone Sex Operators. For 10 minutes, you pay 1.99 a minute, plus a small connection fee. You get off, we hang up, and you never ever have to talk to us again, unless you want to. You don’t have us texting you all the time to see where you are, you don’t have to take us out to eat, you don’t have to spend any more money or time, and you certainly will never have to meet our parents. So in the grand scheme of things, you do NOT get free phone sex from the girlfriend, you pay and you pay a hell of a lot more then a quick 10 minute call with us.
2) Let’s move onto the second, “This is expensive!”
May I draw your attention to the first paragraph explaining why would you pay for phone sex. Re-read it if you must. It’s not expensive, not at all. It’s friggin economical. No strings, no muss, no fuss, no woman showing up at your house to boil a rabbit in your kitchen. Now as you can, Phone Sex is well worth the price.
The next time you come into our chat room, please think before you say things such as is stated above, because honestly that simply does not make any sense what so ever. And if you never have tried Phone Sex, I invite you too, because there is another more important perk about spending time with a professional. We do things that your girlfriend/wife would never do, or talk about. And to me, that alone makes Phone Sex priceless.