ABDL phone sex

I know you’ve had a rough week at school my love. I’m sorry all your college buddies found out about you wetting the bed. I know you like wearing your Adult diapers for that very reason. I know they just can’t stop making fun of you and your issues but baby, you’re perfect. I mean sure you started wetting the bed again at a late age but everyone has issues. Mommy loves you so very much. I just wanna cuddle you for the rest of the night. Make you know that at least someone is on your side in this. Hey I know some other lovely ladies that like Diaper Boys too. I’m sure that even though you wear those cute little puffy diapers in bed at night, you’ll find the perfect lady to love you unconditionally one day. Because I love you so so much cutie pie. Call me now for some sweet loving Phone Sex.



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Standing In Front of Mommy Part 1
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