A Poem dedicated to all my small penis humiliation phone sex callers
I’ll tell you a story,
About your tiny dick.
A dick so small,
It will never get licked.
Just look at it,
All shriveled and small,
I wouldn’t even touch it,
Nope not at all.
A dick like that needs to be covered up,
Diapers? Panties? Maybe some pull ups?
Just throw something on,
My eyes are hurting,
I bet it’s not big,
Even when it’s squirting.
Your mom must be ashamed,
Her son’s not like real guys
Lacking the most important part,
Right between his thighs.
Your daddy comes from a long line of EL GRANDE cocks
Each generation, bigger, and better keeping the tradition going.
You were born and it was evident right from the start,
The Grande tradition has skipped a generation!
As you can see I love spreading the word about your itty bitty little thingy.
Do you want your little pathetic dick to be highlighted in one of my small penis humiliation blogs?
Send me your story and pic.