There is this particular sissy abie (we will call him baby S) – well, he would deny it emphatically, but make no mistakes, he is a sissy abie.  We are in the process of having him accept the fact that deep inside, he truly is a little sissy abie – he isn’t having too many issues with the abie part per say; it’s the sissy part that seems to be the source of his conflict.  He grumbles about wearing a diaper, yet he wears them.  (He looks so cute with his tushie all puffed out from his thick diaper!  And when we cover it with ruffles…ADORABLE!!)  Now he moans and groans when he is put in something pretty and pink and full of ruffles and lace, protesting that he is not a sissy abie, but the fact of the matter is, is that his little peepee says other wise!  It gets all tingly when it is put in something so frilly, and it will swell in approval, giving his true inner self away.

So in an effort to help him accept his true self, I have instructed him to say this little line…over and over and over again…. (if you see him in the chatroom, ask him to say it for you, hehehe)


Now repeat after me –

…I’m a pretty little sissy abie…

…I’m a pretty little sissy abie…

…I’m a pretty little sissy abie




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Rah, rah rah! Sissy boom bah!
August 8, 2011
Wanna a Drag?
August 13, 2011