God.. If I had a dollar for every single pathetic adult that I came across who was wearing diapers (either by choice or by force), I would be one of the most wealthy women in America. So many of these little diaper sluts like to act like they had no choice or act like they never wanted to have to wear diapers, but this is not my first rodeo… I have been in the mommy business for quite a long time, and I know that underlying look of desire and pleasure that flashes behind the eyes of some of those closet naughty babies. One of my most favorite things to do on a lazy Sunday is head out to the nearest grocery or department store. I love just taking my time and strolling through each and every isle, humming a sweet tune and taking a look at everyone who passes my way. This might seem strange to you, but to me, this is the most perfect way to set my sights on a brand new adult baby to take home with me to play with. The way I see it, if you are one of those pathetic adults in diapers, wandering around a big store with no one helping you with what you need, then I am surely doing you a favor by coming along. Right? Well, I hardly give those little ones any time to react. I usually come up behind them before they have even noticed me and sneak right up to them before grabbing them by the arms or the shoulders and giving them a firm but helpful talking to about which brand, fit, and style would be the best for a baby like them. I always love watching their little mouths fall open at the sight of an unknown MILF approaching them so boldly and seeing right through their grown up clothes. In fact, in several cases I can usually smell my new ABDL cutie long before I ever actually manage to catch sight of them. I am not sure what it is about helpless ABies with no one to guide them, but they usually seem to wander into the store looking for diapers during a fit of desperation because they put it off for far too long and have filled their last diaper with a big stinky poopy mess! It can be so humiliating and embarrassing if there is anyone else standing in the same aisle as us when I lay this hard truth on those little ones, but it is all part of the experience in my book! Besides, I have found during my years of experience that humiliation and embarrassment can be two of the most effective forms of training and strict punishment that a mommy like me can use on my little ones to keep them in line!

Stepmommy Tawny
Click ADULTS IN DIAPERS HUMILIATION CHAT to come and chat with all of the other hot phone sex mommies!
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