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Mommy’s little diaperslave

You are mommy’s little diaperslave.

Yes you are, you like it when I keep you at my feet close to the ground,crawling around like the wittle,bitty Ab u are!

Awww you came over to mommy with her sexy black bra in your little lips Gimme that back you naughty thing you ,how cute you are my sweet diaperslave always wanting mommy to correct your behavior.

Mommy is gonna pull thoes shorts off now ,Oh goodness look it your tiny,teeny little peepee its a wee little winkie.

“Look girl’s from across the street look what I am gonna give you for a treat a small  wee wee wanker finger sandwich it is so mini you might not even know it’s in ya.

the girls are pointing and laughing remarking how mini it is.

Yes my little dickie this is turning you on I know it is look at that little bitty bulge in your diaper I see it right there that little pecker u got.

mmm hmm I know just what you want to do with Mommy now.. You have that real dirty look about you,

that diaper of yours is getting all warm and wet with your juices now.

your hands pawing at mommy’s skirts ,Oooh are you sure you can handle me ,I am used to having big big ones in my honeybun…

We will see jus how good you are with thoes hands all over Mommy just where you want them to be.



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Phone A Mommy Catch Phrases
July 26, 2012
Itty Bitty Peepee
July 28, 2012