antique male chastity

Ahh, look what I came across in my travels.  Now you know I adore interesting and unique items and antiques of yester years, and this little number is right up my alley. Did you know that male chastity devices were originally made with youths in mind rather than adults?  Oh yes indeed!

Back in the day, the belief that ‘masturbation’ was evil was widely accepted. This was due largely in part because of the story of Onan in the bible – ‘self-abuse’ (masturbation) was regarded as evil and went so far as to be referred to as ‘Onanism‘. Not only that, but back then the popular belief (often supported by the medical profession) stated it would turn a young man into a drooling idiot (oh I can hear the comments from both sides of the isle – “you know it!” And “nuh-uh, not me!”).

To deter such ungodly acts, the male chastity device was introduced.  It had boasted the ability to “cease and desist” any “nocturnal emissions”…and yes, that was the polite term for masturbation in those days.  Of course we ladies, be it in the role of mommy or wife or girl friend, have come to realize what an effective tool the male chastity device truly is; both in heading off naughty behavior as a teaching tool, and punishing bad, or “unauthorized” activities as well.

So you see little ones, when mommy has to slap one of these little masturbation deterrents on your little weewee, it is for your own good – we don’t want you turning into a drooling idiot, now do we? Hehehe.


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