Is everyone looking forward to Thanksgiving?  I hope so.  Sometimes I have a very…unusual thought process.  Take for example this: as I’m writing out my shopping list, deciding what I need for the stuffing, I thought came to me – what if instead of stuffing a turkey, I would stuff another type of white meat, hehe?  I would butter and oil my little apprehensive morsel (namely you 😉 ).  And of course, I would have to clean out the inner cavity and bowels properly, which means a very strong and effective enema.  I would tuck your knees under you, your bottom poised up and primed to be filled with the warm, soapy solution, or perhaps a natural enema recipe would better suit my needs (a “brown cow” – warmed milk and molasses enema is a very strong but natural one).

After the enema does its job and cleans you out thoroughly, then the stuffing process can begin – so many choices here, heeheehee!  Should I go with a traditional carrot/celery/onion mirepoix, or perhaps I should stretch you wide open and stuff you with a bread stuffing?  Perhaps something a little more…naughty ;).

Oh my imagination just goes wild with possibilities – care to find out how wild? Just give me a jingle and hear for yourself.

Mommy Gina


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