Aww, ya know, everybody has bad dreams from time to time.  With all the scary things we are exposed to, how could anyone not?  But don’t worry, you know that when ever you have a bad dream, your AB Mommy will always be here to chase away the creepies and scaries and things that go bump in the night.  I will let you crawl into my bed under the covers, and snuggle up close to mommy.  Wrapping you in my arms, I will pull you close against my bosom, and kiss away those nightmares, making them a hazy memory.  And as you drift off to dream land once again, I will shower you with soft, motherly kisses, whispering how you are safe now and nothing and no one will ever harm my sweet Abie boy, assuring you of mommy’s love.

Mommy Gina

(888) 430 2010

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Vicious mistress of ab punishment
March 10, 2014
Did you make a poopie???
March 17, 2014