June 23, 2010

Sweet Southern Voice

I find it cute when someone calls me for the first time and says..”Oh you are Southern?”  For a moment I think, oh no they are going to hang up on me lol.  They do not of course.  So I thought I would write a little something to let you all know that yes I am from the south, and I do have a southern accent.  It’s a soft soothing voice, not harsh.  Now make no mistake, I do discipline if it is needed.  But I do not yell, I find that a gentle stern approach is best, people tend to listen better if you speak to them softly. Mommy Liz 1-888-430-2010
June 22, 2010

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to everyone that its their birthday just got in this mood to post about it.lol now your going to ask me why i bet well you see i have alot of friends that their birthdays are in June plus family members also so this little cutie is for everyone that its their birthday in this month of June. Now everyone enjoys birthdays now don’t you love getting those presents,parties the time with family and friends and sometimes uninvited guest like me every crash a party that you didn’t know anyone there i bet that would be so much fun. To crash a party of some sort all dressed up in your diapers and frilly dress you would be the party if you did that for sure. Lily
June 19, 2010

The Naughty Step

What is a naughty step?  A naughty step is where Nanny Ella may have to put you if you are being bad.  It’s a time out place where sometimes bad lil ones have to spend some time.  But don’t worry though, if you are good, and do not whine or complain or try to get up from the naughty step until your time is up, then you will get up in a few minutes.  But if you decide to do any of the things mentioned previously your time on the naughty step will be a very very long time. Nanny Ella 1-888-430-2010
June 19, 2010

Play Date

You wanna look so pretty for mommy don’t you? So does Mommy. I want you to wear a pretty little dress for all the men in the neighborhood. We can watch them and you can pick out your favorite man to play with. Of course he’ll come over on a “play” date and Mommy will teach you how to be a “cute” little sissyl for him. How lucky he will be won’t he? He’ll get to play with you (and maybe even Mommy) and he’ll find out exactly how much fun we both are won’t he? We’ll make sure you make him happy so when his Daddy comes to pick him up he will tell him how he had fun with both of us and how he got to touch and snuggle with both of us. Maybe his Daddy will want to play with us too. *Smiles* Mommy Maggy
June 19, 2010


Everyone loves bacon, I have even seen where it has been said even vegans love bacon. I don’t know about that, so excluding the vegans, we all love bacon. A man named Neil Caldwell created colored bacon. I’m not kidding, he did. Look.. Doesn’t that look just so yummy? It looks gross! I don’t think I would be too happy if someone came up to me to put my plate down in front of me and there was purple bacon on the plate. I think the purple looks the worst out of them all. Has anyone tried this yet? Sue 1-888-430-2010
June 18, 2010


It’s that time of year when people start taking their vacations.  This year I am going to go camping.   There are like 12 of us going and I cannot wait.  We are supposed to go boating and hiking.  I really hope I don’t break any nails *giggles* .  I know some of the other Girls I work with will be going on vacations this year as well.  One is even going to the UK, I asked if I could go with her, but she said No *laughs*.  What are your plans for the summer? Jenna 1-888-430-2010
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