January 5, 2013
Dress up play with mommy can be such fun! Mommy get’s all the cutest costume’s she always likes it when you wanna play dress up too. Get ready to have fairy god mother transport you into a story book play land. In my castle abdl little’s can be anything they want to, a brave knight on a big horse, a dragon that breathes fire or a fair maiden with flowing skirts. I go all out I make props & have such a good time while creating a whole big,bright world for my sweet one’s. You can always count on all the diaper play you can handle. Our lunches and dinner’s all have story book theme’s like the dragon ate the castle mac n cheese or the elf sitting on a toadstool chicken nuggets. I am sure you have even more creative idea’s to bring to my play land. I look forward to hearing them,brave knight. Mommy Crissy 1*888*430*2010