May 5, 2010

Summertime ABDL Fun

I hope all my little ones are gearing up for a fun in the sun summer! I love having fun with baby outdoors. We go swimming in our pool and play slip and slide on the front lawn. The park by our house is a great way to meet other mommies and babies in the neighborhood. We sometimes spend the whole day at the park and have a picnic with the other families. All that sunshine and excitement makes baby very hungry and tired. I have a baba for my sweetie and a nice blanket in the shade, baby falls asleep in mommy’s arms and naps to the sound of birds chirping. Mommy Star 1 888 430-2010
May 5, 2010

beauty shop trips

  Every so often I have an appointment with Bobbi. He is my sissy nephew and we talk about his petticoat training and his Aunt’s discipline. This last phone chat we had ended up with me taking him to my favorite beauty shop. He didn’t want to follow my rules and cut his hair so I took him to get it trimmed and then rolled and set. I picture Bobbi sitting in a dryer like this with me at the beauty shop. Thanks for the chat Bobbi. Shirley
May 2, 2010


  The time has come you know that you messed up and now it’s time for Daddy to dole out the punishment. That sad look wont get you out of it this time. Get over here and drop those pants and lay across my knees. There is your five swats with my bare hand across your behind. Now stand up and look at Me. Jump up on my lap and put your head on my shoulder and cry it on out. I will give you a big hug and tuck you in bed. And now looking back I am beginning to think you misbehaved on purpose to get those swats and cuddles. Oh you tricky little one.   Daddy Paul
May 2, 2010

ABDL Home Coming

Sara’s home was peaceful and quiet as her and her new bundle of joy walked through the door. She held aby safely in her arms as she walked him around showing him his new home, pointing and describing his room and all they aby items she had purchased for him. Aby gave a big yawn and she could feel some gas coming from his bottom. She walked him over to the changing table, turned the dial to his mobile and unwrapped him from his wubbie. She had a precious new outfit already laid out for him, carefully she changed his diaper, replaced the pad over his belly button and got him dressed in a new soft cotton clothing. “My precious boy is sleepy isn’t he?” she whispered softly in his ear as she pulled him back into her arms. She walked over the the rocking chair and cradled him close, humming a sweet lullaby as he drifted back off to sleep. Mommy had a tear roll down as she stroked his head so gentle; quietly ” welcome home my little prince, welcome home.” From Mommy Sar, to newaby 1 888 430 2010
May 2, 2010


Most of you know all of us Mommies, and everyone else for that matter have Twitter.  How many of you do?  How do you like using it?  If you would like to connect to us on Twitter then please head on over there and add us!  We would love to have you on there so we could tweet at each other to the point of absurdity!  That is one thing I will never understand, how people can sit on there day after day and keep updating.  Someone must think a lot of themselves to do that.  I could understand if you were on some sort of Spy mission and you were taking the time out of almost being killed to update on your every move.  But the day to day mundane things? No. *laughs* Mommy Liz 1-888-430-2010
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