"unpotty training"

I know that it does not come as easy the older we get and once we have been potty trained, that is why I am here to help! I am here to help Un-potty train you!  Sometimes we just need a little help making a mess in our diapers. It is a process but it can be done I assure you!  It takes some time but the main this is that you relax and feel at ease. Sometimes it helps to have a product to help you at first, use of suppositories or enemas or even changing your diet can work to speed up the process or to make it happen more naturally. I would love to regress you and work with you.  You will be filling those diapers just like you use to when you were a baby boy! Want some Un-Potty Training? Call me let me talk you through an un-potty training session so you can enjoy a messy diaper !


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