In my travels as an ABDL Mommy, I have coined the phrase ‘Two-fering’ or ‘two-fer diapered/diapering’, or simply ‘two-fered’ as in “you’re going to be two-fered.”  It’s when I place both a cloth diaper and disposable diaper on a little one’s tushie (cloth first, then the disposable over it).

It could be for practical purposes – the cloth diaper used as a sort of soaker or booster of added absorbency.  It could be for the added effect – wanting you to feel the thickness between your legs, making your waddle very predominant and to bring to the fore ground that you are indeed an adult baby.  Or it could be a tool for punishment – forcing you to wear such a thickness in public so there are no doubts as to your wearing a diaper, forcing you to soak both beyond capacity, leaving you leaking and sagging and over all very “uncomfortable” and rethinking your little transgression that has place you in this predicament in the first place.

Now before you think, oh that’s not too bad, ponder this little tidbit:  the number of actual cloth diapers and disposable diapers can fluctuate; from a simple 1:1 ratio to a much higher one – say 10:1 or even 3:2 ratio. As you can now tell, two-fering doesn’t refer to number of diapers you have on; it refers to the two types of diapers you have on!

So, are you ready to be “two-fered”?



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