Ya know, sometimes you just need to be coddled, nurtured.  To know, without a doubt that someone cares and loves you and wants to make sure that you not only know it, but feel it from the depths of their soul.

I believe that’s what occurs during a diapering. It’s a time where both the diaperer and the diaperee get to be transported to a place where nothing else exists, save the two of them.  There are no outside pressures, no every day worries or stresses.  Time seems to stop as a little one is assured that they are safe under her care.  There is a tenderness that transpires as a mommy lays you back, talking to you sweetly; she opens up your diaper and smiles at you with a warmth that is genuine.  She wipes you down, slowly cooing at you, softly talking to her little one as she so expertly removes the soiled diaper and replaces it with a soft, thick, dry diaper; the sweet smell of baby powder perfuming the air as she caresses your delicate skin with the silky substance.

And as she encapsulates you in the security of both a fresh new diaper, and her loving arms, you know you are experiencing a true Tender Loving Diapering.

Mommy Maggy


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