Mommy sees how curious you are getting about your changing body…about girls and how they are different from boys.  I’ve seen you trying to sneak a peek down my blouse or under my dress when I bend over…honestly it gives me a little tickle, hehe.  So when I catch you trying to sneak a peek at me, I confront you; instead of getting angry, I ask you if you would like to take a peek and see how mommies are different from little boys (after all, if it isn’t up to mommy to teach you all about the birds and the bees, then who’s is it?).  I lift up my dress for you, exposing my little lacy panties.  I tell you to come a little closer and get a better look…closer my precious…closer…if you like, I can let you see what mommies have underneath our pretty little panties, but just a peek, ok?

Mommy Maggy


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Mommy time
August 4, 2014
Kinky Babysitting
August 10, 2014