Oh honey, what is Mommy Lexus going to do with you? Here we are, in the middle of the mall, and you go and piss your pants, making a puddle in the middle of the floor. I am so disappointed in you right now (and more than just a tad upset and angry)! It seems I have no choice but to put you in diapers – after cleaning you up first of course. Now now, stop your fussing. Yes, I’m going to clean and diaper you here on the bench – it’s for your own good. You can turn as red as you like, I’m not changing my position on this…only your diaper.
Now that you have a nice thick, very crinkly diaper on, I’m going to treat you like the baby you are, not the grown up man that you’re pretending to be! That includes you drinking out of a baby ba-ba and sucking on a binky, and yes, it means more diaper changes as well.
Mommy Lexus can be a very nurturing Mommy; all I want is the very best for my baby boy, so if I have to punish you, it’s only for your own good!
Mommy Lexus