Now normally, my little adult abie is well behaved, says please and thank you, and minds his manners, as well as his AB Mommy.  But from time to time, my normally sweet and loving abie gets a little too big for his britches, or in this case, his diapers, and decides that he is going to talk back to mommy or *gasp* disobey.

Now I don’t know about how your Mommy handles an aby when they get out of hand, but this mommy is a no-nonsense, firm disciplinarian, take-you-over-my-knee-and-spank-you-till-I-break-your-will kinda gal. All that stuff about spare the rod, spoil the child?  I am a card carrying, paddle wielding, lifetime member of the club!  Not only will I use the rod, but I will use it with vigor and precision, as well as what ever else might be handy – paddle, hair brush, wooden spoon, spatula…well, you get the idea.  I will not allow any aby of mine to act in such a manner other than being the perfect little mommy’s boy.

Any questions?  Doubt me?  I think someone is in need of a “hands on” demonstration.

Mommy Lexus


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