Red Paddle

This year Mommy’s got herself a special Christmas present of her own! I decided that after spending the year taking care of all you ABies and sissies, I deserved something really special for myself! So what is it you ask, what is this fabulous Mommy toy that I got that I’m just soooo excited about? It’s a brand new shiny red paddle!!

Anyone who has met me for even a short amount of time can tell you that I don’t mind punishing naughty ABies and sissies when it’s necessary – and let’s be honest, it’s necessary just about all the time. More than not minding, I absolutely love the feeling of bringing down a paddle on a soft little adult baby bottom and seeing the bright red bloom that instantly appears on those little cheeks. With every swat it gets a little redder and feels a little hotter to the touch. When it’s all done those little bottoms are burning hot and screaming red.

Mmmm I’m getting excited just talking about it hehehe! I can’t wait to use my new present on a deserving adult baby. So be very careful, I’ll come up with just about any excuse to use my special Christmas paddle!

Mommy Liz



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December 22, 2012
December 23, 2012