fetish phone sex

I think it’s about that time. Oh you don’t know what time I’m referring to? Well I’m talking about the time Mommy drags you out to the mall for some public humiliation phone sex. You thought you could be snaky and keep continuing to wet the bed without Mommy noticing but you aren’t that slick are you? Mommy found all your pee pee covered sheets you stuffed at the bottom of your hamper. Well Eisenstein what did you think would happen when I tipped the hamper over into the washer? Of course your sheets would always be on top! So if you’re going to be a bed wetter then you need to learn your lesson! A public lesson! I’m going to turn you into an adult baby right in front of everyone you know, and strangers that will now never want to know someone who loves age regression phone sex as much as you do!



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