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From Man Cave, to Adult Baby Nursery

"from man cave to adult baby nursery"


I had to take care of friends husband the other day and I don’t think he was prepared for what took place. He thought he was just going to be as naughty and rude as he wanted and that there would be no consequence to his actions. His wifey has him rather spoiled and I suppose that I have the reputation as the Nice Girl so he thought he could take advantage of my good nature, but little did he know that Mommy Sara can be a very strict ABMommy when need be.


First let me say, for such a macho man, he whined like a girl and I am not one for listening to someone complain peevishly especially in that high pitched voice! So every time he did so an item in his high tech modernized gadget filled room, was removed and replaced with a baby item. His gaming systems got replaced with stuffed animals and blocks, his laptop was replaced with a stack of Little Golden Books, his fancy Mad Warrior RC was replaced with a Fisher Price lil Zoomer.  His 52-inch TV was reprogrammed with parental controls and his favorites like Football and the Playboy Channel were replaced with Barney, Sesame Street and Dora. Yes, it wasn’t long before his cool ass man cave began to look more like an Adult Baby Nursery.


I loved every single minute of remolding his man cave into an Adult Baby Nursery, so much so that I refocused my energy on his adultbaby wardrobe. With every new complaint he had, I decided, I would replace his clothing. He would whimper and I would replace his overalls with dresses. He whined again and I replaced his blue plastic pants with pinks ones. Yet again he would snivel and again I would change out something blue for something pink! I think it maybe be a while before he sobs again, he has since sucked very hard and held on very tight to that sparkly pink pacifier I gave to him giggles. But he cannot hold it in forever and when he does let out the smallest a sigh, you can be certain that another makeover will take place.

Mommy Sara


YIM phonemommysara

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Ab Mommy
April 4, 2012
April 10, 2012