February 28, 2010

What Baby Needs

*a crib *crib sheets *waterproof mattress covers *bumper pads *light blankets *a car seat *bottles *nipples *bottle brush *formula *baby towels and wash cloths *baby soap and shampoo *cotton swabs *lotion *thermometer *zinc oxide for diaper rashes *diapers and wipes *T-shirts *sleepers *socks *bibs *a stroller *a tote bag And Mommy Lizabeth has them all. Liz 1-888-430-2010
February 21, 2010

Lazy Sunday

Football has ended and now there is nothing on.  *sigh*  It’s like coming down from a high, and you know you will not be able to re-up for a long time.  So now I am sitting here wishing that I had something to do.  And to make matters worse my bf is out of town on business.  It’s a boring day, the only thing that is even keeping me from crawling up into bed and sleeping the day away is the fact that I have been doing calls with all my sweet ones today.  Thank you, thank you, for giving me a smile every time the phone rings.  You all make it better. *kisses and hugs to you all* Mommy Lizabeth 1-888-430-2010
February 19, 2010

Bad Girl

So is Daddies little angel gonna be good tonight? I have come home work to find that you have been a brat. You disobeyed the babysitter you trashed your bedroom and wouldn’t eat your lunch. I had to come home and turn you over my knee and be grounded to your room. Now you have got some ground to make up for your bad behavior. I don’t hate you but I have had a rough enough day so tell me what do you think you can do to make up for what you have done. Daddy Paul
February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine’s Day

If love is blind, why is lingerie so popular? Anonymous True love comes quietly, without banners or flashing lights. If you hear bells, get your ears checked. Erich Segal Love wouldn’t be blind if the Braille weren’t so damned much fun. Anonymous Falling in love is so hard on the knees. Aerosmith Love is a grave mental disease. Plato I hope you have a wonderful Valentine’s Day and that you have someone special to share it with. All my Love, Mommy Lizabeth 1-888-430-2010
February 7, 2010

If I Wore Diapers….

….this is something I would wear.  Look at how pretty they are!  Crown on my diapered butt and little crown on my head.  I would look adorable, nobody could resist.  Now I need to find a shirt and some cute little socks to match and I can be my own Princess.  What do you think? Do you think I would make a cute baby girl?  With this on I would be the prettiest lil thing this side of the Mason Dixon Line. Mommy Lizabeth 1-888-430-2010
February 3, 2010

Listen to ABMommy

With Superbowl Sunday coming up I sure hope all you abies and sissy’s will be-careful on how much you plan to consume! No one likes a hangover and us ABMommies cannot condone such behavior. But if your left feeling bad the day after us ABMommies will be here to spank you and care for you as always. So when you wake up feeling bad after not heeding my warning, give us a call so that we can properly discipline you for your actions! Mommy Sara 1 888 430 2010
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