June 19, 2010

The Naughty Step

What is a naughty step?  A naughty step is where Nanny Ella may have to put you if you are being bad.  It’s a time out place where sometimes bad lil ones have to spend some time.  But don’t worry though, if you are good, and do not whine or complain or try to get up from the naughty step until your time is up, then you will get up in a few minutes.  But if you decide to do any of the things mentioned previously your time on the naughty step will be a very very long time. Nanny Ella 1-888-430-2010
June 19, 2010


Everyone loves bacon, I have even seen where it has been said even vegans love bacon. I don’t know about that, so excluding the vegans, we all love bacon. A man named Neil Caldwell created colored bacon. I’m not kidding, he did. Look.. Doesn’t that look just so yummy? It looks gross! I don’t think I would be too happy if someone came up to me to put my plate down in front of me and there was purple bacon on the plate. I think the purple looks the worst out of them all. Has anyone tried this yet? Sue 1-888-430-2010
June 16, 2010

sleepy in diapers

  What is it about being diapered that helps you sleep better? The comforting effects of adult diapers are hard to deny. It makes for a better night sleep don’t you all agree? So what position is the most comfy? Curled up on your side hugging your teddy? Or do you like resting your head on a stack of pillows while laying flat on your back ?   Mommy Shirley
June 6, 2010

Poopy Baby

Mommy Stella loves to put naughty baby’s in the corner. Why, you ask? Because Mommy told you not to poop in your diapers, and to come get me when you need to go. Did you? No! Now you can sit in a poopy diaper in the corner till mommy says you can get out! Stella 1 888 430-2010
June 5, 2010

The Mommies

  One of the great aspects of working here is I get to be myself for one. And the best things is the fine Mommies I get to deal with on a daily basis. These fine ladies are some of the smartest most compassionate and creative people ever brought into one place. I consider myself to know quite a bit but whenever I have a question they are there to answer it for me. So do yourself a favor get to know all the mommies, sitters, and grannies of Phone-a- Mommy.   Louie
May 22, 2010

Plastic Wrap

I’ve been fascinated as of late with different forms of subduing techniques. I have put the question to the forums, and I thought I might bring the subject here as well. From cuffs, to potions to being immobilized by many pairs of hands to blackmail – so very many ways to be subdued for one purpose or another. Now the other night in the chatroom, Daddy Paul brought up the possibility of plastic wrap. Well let me tell you, this peaked my interest. What a lovely use a common household item! One could use plastic wrap as a suitable substitute to ropes/cuffs, create a make shift squaddling sleep sack out of it, as well as adapt it to be used as bed/hospital straps. And the things I could do with the colored wraps – especially the rose colored ones (let’s just say I would test my clothes designing skills with it, teeheehee!)! I think it may actually pass the versatility of duct tape LOL! So I wanted to tip my hat to Daddy Paul for opening my eyes (and my warped, little mind) to the wonderful world of plastic wrap! Maggie
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