ABDL Favorite?
May 8, 2018
Red Handed
June 12, 2018As I now have to wear diapers 24/7, I often find myself confronted with situations that allow me to be either up front about wearing adult diapers or play it down and beat around the bush about it.
For example, while on a trip to an amusement park with mommy and friends, I was asked why I was bringing in a small backpack. “You need your purse?” they taunted me. Instead of brushing it off and saying something like, ‘I’d like to have a few things with me for the day’, Mommy made me explain that I have bladder problems and was carrying spare diapers with me because one diaper wouldn’t last me all day.
When mommy lets me stay at a friends house, she makes me explain to my friend that I enjoy having the conversation that I am a phone sex diaper boy and need to throw away my used diaper from the night in their outside trash.
When people bring up adult diapers in conversation (probably because they notice my diapered outline and are curious but don’t want to be direct about it) instead of changing the subject, mommy has taught me to waste no time to declare yes, I in fact do wear and need diapers. I must explain to them you don’t do this enthusiastically, but very matter of factly, the same way someone might tell them they have diabetes.
I must explain that I don’t do this to be some sort of diaper apostle, spreading the good news about diapers. It’s more as an act of self abdl humiliation, which mommy loves to do to me, and to alter that other person’s concept of myself to that as somehow less of a fully privileged adult.
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