November 18, 2010

ABDL Turkey Dinner

Turkey Dinner When Daddy carves the turkey, It is really quite a sight, I know he tries his hardest, But he never does it right. He makes a fancy show of it, Before he starts to carve, And stabs in all directions, While we’re certain that we’ll starve. He seems to take forever, As we sit and shake our heads, By the time he’s finished slicing, He’s reduced the bird to shreds. He yells as loud as thunder, Just before he’s finally through For when Daddy carves the turkey, Daddy carves his finger too! What a great time of year for family and friends to get together and celebrate the love and warmth of the people in our life.  I sure hope each and everyone of you has a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family. Gobble Gobble Mommy Star 1 888 430-2010
November 17, 2010

I love men in diapers

  I like my men in diapers. When I get to change an adult diaper and do something private and special with someone close to me, it’s as if we’re in our own world. During that time there is no one else on earth. There’s no telling how many diapers I have changed over the years, but it is most always enjoyable. I have to say most always because nothing is perfect, and sometimes people get a tad nervous sharing something that they’ve spent a long time trying to keep secret. Most of the time though it’s good for both sides of the diaper tapes.   Mommy Shirley
November 14, 2010

snuggle in bed

  Can you spot a spot for baby on that bed? I think it would be somewhere right between Mommy and Daddy. We would cuddle you up against soft pillows and hold you against us. I for one like it when little abies want to snuggle with me and one of the amazing phone Mommies. It’s like a two for one where I get to talk to two wonderful people at once. So tell me do you spot a spot for you in our bed? Daddy Paul
November 13, 2010

Your Sweet Lovin ABDL Mommy

  Hello my sweet adult baby, Its abdl Mommy Candy and I love to take good care of  all my sweet little abies and diaper lovers.  I‘m a real life mommy and I loved having the little pitter patter of adult baby feet in the house.  When my abies were little, I baked cookies, and drove in the carpool just a regular soccer Mom.   My abies are older now so I spend my days and nights taking care of my adult babies and making sure they are fed and happy.  There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for my little ones, I always have lots of hugs and kisses for abie when baby has a boo boo or gets fussy because baby can’t make in your adult diaper and it hurts abie to push.  Mommy knows how to help baby relax and make in his diaper and of course I’m always ready when my abie needs a diaper change. Mommy Candy 1 888 430-2010
November 13, 2010

My World, My Rules

Ouch! That would hurt now wouldn’t it. Although I am certain many of you fantasize about having a Women take charge, long to have me to control your minuscule little world and make all your decisions for you from this point forward. But the question is, How serious are you? Can you handle the pain I will inflict upon you? Are you really willing to serve in any and every way possible? This means giving up total control to me and all your finances as well. If you are ready to live in my World then prove it! Mizz Rebecca 1 888 430 2010
November 13, 2010

Have you been a good little one?

It’s time for mommy and daddy to go on their date, who is going to babysit you while they are out? Sitter Samantha of course! While mommy and daddy are out having fun me and you will stay at home playing house, I will be the mommy and you will be my little one. I will change you and make you feel oh so good. Hope to see you soon! Samantha 1-888-430-2010
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