April 4, 2010


  Here is hoping that everyone had a great Easter. I hope everybody plenty of chocolate bunnies and cream filled eggs or just your favorite candy. And that you got to be with or at least heard from all of your family. But the sad part is tomorrow its back to work and slipping back to our normal lives that we lead. Don’t be sad just think of the next holiday where you can have all this happiness all over again.   Daddy Paul
April 3, 2010


It’s hard to believe that tomorrow is Easter already, time is going oh so fast.  Just simply slipping away.  Before we know it, summer will be here again.  Isn’t it funny how that works?  I remember being in school and time just seemed to go so slowly by, but as soon as I graduated it all started to speed up very rapidly.   I hope you all have a wonderful Holiday weekend with your family and know that  I will be thinking of you all. Love, Mommy Lizabeth 1-888-430-2010
April 1, 2010

Easter Eggs

I take an egg All shiny white And then I dip It out of sight I leave it there Within the cup Then after a minute I pick it up And Oh! It’s a lovely shade of green The prettiest Easter egg I’ve ever seen! author unknown Minnie
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