July 26, 2012
We Mommies here at PhoneAMommy have a grand ‘ole time together – especially when we get going in the chatroom (more then a few of you can attest to that little fact, lol)! Well during one of our little bull sessions, Miss Savannah started coming out with some fine little catch phrases. She insisted that she was just messing around, but I disagree – I think they are funny and witty and to be frank…quite fabulous!! In fact, I loved them so much that I asked her permission to share her witticism with all of you, and she graciously agreed. So, with out any further adieu, I present to you the “Phone-A-Mommy Catch Phrases” – • Can you truly put a price on a mother’s love • 1-800-430-2010…have you called your mother today? • Phoneamommy.com, for the child in all of us • Phoneamommy.com – explore your inner child today • 1-888-430-2010… when Daddy is away Mommy WILL play • Sick of those fake mommies and need a change? Phone a Mommy loves to be that change for you • 1-888-430-2010, the only Mommy that won’t tell you you’ll go blind………..*snickers* Aren’t they adorable?!? Got a catch phrase you you’d like to share? Check out the forums and add your two cents! We’d love to hear from you
! Mommy Maggie