Some age regression is just what a lot of abdl’s need, isn’t it? Not for punishment, not for being naughty, but because someone that feels like a baby, should be small as a baby! There won’t be any need for adult clothes or undies, those will be replaced with onesies and comfy diapers, proper baby clothes. There won’t be any schedules or bills or grown-up responsibilities, just Mommy and naptimes and feedings and diaper changes! My other mommy friends will argue over who’s turn it is to hold my sweet baby when they come over, and coo and tickle you to make you giggle. I’ll get everything that a baby needs for you, a stroller, a crib, a playpen, a highchair, and toys galore! Everywhere we go I’ll have a diaper bag filled with what I need for any little baby emergency that might pop up. Sound like a dream come true? Call me for some mommy phone sex and let me know!
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#ageregression #abdl #adutlbaby #abdlmommy