pantiesformen_0000832-1Yes sweetie Lily went shopping just for you my sweet come see what i bought just for my little sissy.
Going to get to try these on and prance all over the livingroom floor dancing like i know you like to do.These are going to look adorable on you i know.Especially with these cute little stockings and bows  Lily might even have a cute little short dress and shoes and bows for you also thats if your a good little sissy.

Think you are do you well i will have to check and make sure that room is all cleaned and the bathroom is done also.Oh you forgot to do the bathroom huh well now that is not good is it no special little treats for you my little sissy nope none at all.Guess its back to diapers for now is it not.Such a shame to maybe the next time you will listen and do what your told to do while i am gone.


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