When the ABies I take care of are well-behaved they get story time. One of the favorite stories at Nanny Ella’s Nursery is Alice in Wonderland. I was reading to one good little boy the other day and we got to the part where Alice shrinks and grows. I could see the wonder on my little one’s face and I got all sorts of ideas of my own. Things I would do with a little one if he was literally little, if he was tiny. The little terrors would be easier to take care of – those bad boys would get shrunk. I can also think of some fun I could have that would bring me a lot closer to my sweet babies.


Like to play really little?  So do I – I love to play at giantess and shrinking fetish role plays.


Let Nanny shrink you down to size

Your Nanny Ella


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October 12, 2011
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October 12, 2011