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If Barbie Were A Granny


She doesn’t look all that bad does she? Ken would still hit that, if she had not kicked his bi-curious butt to the curb last year, or was it the year before I do not remember.  I consider myself some what of a Barbie, I have a great body, or so I am told, but it usually comes with the following attached.  You have a great body (long pause) for someone your age.  That is a back handed compliment if ever I heard one before.  But at  least I get them.  Usually from men much younger then I.  It makes me smile and feel good.  That is one of the reasons I enjoy talking to all you younger men and women on the phone.  It makes me happy and smile to know that you would even consider calling me and that you do.  Barbie may have everything and still look good as a granny, but she will never have what I have, and that is you.



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