Like the title says, Halloween is my absolute favorite holiday. I love fall period, the weather, the changing of the leaves, the holidays coming up. But Halloween has always topped my list. What is everyone going to be this year? I am still thinking on that myself but am really considering a “dia de los muertos” theme, also another fav holiday.

Mommy also loves that this is the one time of year that my little ones can dress in public without fear of shame and rejection. It’s just a costume right? Riiiiight, heehee. I also love taking my little ones out for some trick or treat action. Who is going out with mommy this year?

I can’t wait to see all the different costumes my little ABies will come up with. You all are so very creative. Make sure you take lots of pics of your costumes so mommy can see. And don’t forget, mommy is right here to take the ABies out tricking and treating. Maye we can incorporate that into our role plays next time you call. Wouldn’t that be fun? I can think of quite a few ways to have fun with a Halloween theme.

So who shares my love of Halloween? I want to hear from you soon, it’s right around the corner!

Mommy Josie




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