A flash of lightening streaks across the sky.
We huddle close beneath the trembling eaves
As thunder roars a nightmare lullaby,
And strips the trees outside of summer leaves.

The fire is warm. Its light is warmer still.
A gentle beacon holding back the dark.
Yet, in the light of day, we know we will
Deny the fearful pounding of our hearts.

The ancient wonder once again is near.
The fury of the storm awakes our past.
When gods and nature both were to be feared.
And spells of warding were by fire cast.

An autumn storm returns us to that place
When nature’s glory awed the human race.

Katherine Marek


We huddle together listening to the storms passing over our house all cuddled up me and the babies

Baby afraid of storms come and cuddle up with Minnie she will take care of all those diaper needs and cuddling

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