(first part) A sign went past, letting Simon know that a rest area was just five miles down, and he smiled a little bit, convinced that he was going to make it there with no accidents and no more abdl diapers! He didn’t even feel any pressure from his bladder anymore, so he knew he had it under control… right until he felt that distinct warm wetness spread out from his crotch. He gasped and tried to cover it with his hands before he could stop himself, looking over at Mommy Brenda to see if she had noticed anything. She absolutely did and started to fuss at him, telling him that he was a silly, ridiculous incontinent abdl, and that nothing he did was going to change that. He was going to stay in diapers until she said otherwise, and if he said anything about it she really was going to pull out the spanking paddle, making sure that his bare bottom glowed red before she was done with his spanking discipline! That was bad enough, but then she said that they were nearly at the rest area, so she was going to put him in a clean diaper when they got there! Is she going to embarrass him in front of everyone? Click right here for the last part and call me for some adult baby phone sex.
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#abdlmommy #incontinence #abdldiapers #spanking
[…] bit, so he was determined to wait until the next stop. Do you think he’s going to make it? Click right here to find out and call me for your own incontinence phone […]
[…] (second part) It was only another mile before they were pulling into the rest area, and Simon wanted to fuss and cry about being embarrassed, but he had a feeling that would only lead to a certain spanking that just a maybe at the moment. She found a spot to park right in the middle of everything, got out the van to grab him, an abdl diaper, wipes, and baby powder. She popped the back open and made him lay down right there where she took off everything until all he had on was his t-shirt! She fussed and scolded him while she cleaned him with the wipes, slid the diaper underneath him, powdered him up, and taped the diaper shut. “I told you that you were a silly baby, but you had to make things difficult for yourself, didn’t you, just like a silly baby would!” He really couldn’t argue against that. Would you want something like this to happen to you? Call me for some abdl humiliation phone sex! Click right here to start at the beginning! […]