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Mommy’s Prissy Little Abies


I walk into my room to catch you wearing mommy’s panties. I ask you- why are you wearing my panties? Answer me boy, I say! Alright then you don’t want to answer my question that’s perfectly fine. I guess I have no choice but to turn you into the prissy sissy girl you are.

There is no use in arguing with me. Come now follow mommy into her closet, pull the hanger back. You see that door? Now gently push it open and go inside. Now that we are here in mommy’s secret closet, how about picking out a dress? You say you don’t want to, is that so? I guess I’ll have to pick one out for you then.  Looks like I found the perfect dress, this dress will absolutely look adorable on you.

I pull out a royal blue dress with pink laced trim and a matching bow. Come here let me put this on you, lets see how you look. You look absolutely adorable, now to put on the pretty frilly socks and matching shoes. Oh I almost forgot the matching bow to put in your hair. I go to turn you around to face the mirror, you see sweetie, naughty boy’s that wear there mommy’s panties should always be turned into prissy sissy Abies, just like you.


Mommy Lauren


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